dance big people

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

murga queso magro

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Un video "backstage" de la murga Queso Magro durante la temporada de preparativos para el carnaval 2006. El video se edit en el disco de la murga en Bizarro Records (Montevideo). El primer tema se trata de una nueva ley contra el humo de tabaco (muy parecida a la de New York City); el segundo habla irnicamente de la supuesta mediocridad de los productos culturales Uruguayos; la msica al final muestra cmo las metforas de ftbol impregnan la murga. A backstage video of the murga (carnaval choir) Queso Magro during the season of preparations for the 2006 Carnaval. The video was released on the murga's record, on Bizarro Records (Montevideo). The first song is about a new anti-smoking law in Uruguay (much like New York City's); the second is a send-up of the supposed mediocrity of Uruguayan cultural products; the music at the end shows how soccer/ game metaphors permeate murga. Subtitles in English. RL: camera, sound, editing. Emile Bokaer: production assistant.


Blogger a said...

Okay clearly not as cool as my blog... but the pictures are pretty

7:37 AM  

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