dance big people

Monday, October 23, 2006

Neptunia, Uruguay, 4 February 1976. When Ñato, Ernesto, and I had a band in the 70s, this was supposed to be the cover of our album. Sadly, between the dictatorship here and the global vinyl shortage, the record never came out. Now, 30 years later, Ernesto and I look pretty much the same, though he cut his hair a few years ago; but Ñato is unrecognizable, having lost the belly, and its hard to imagine he ever had that much hair. (See other videos of performances, coming soon.) The instrument I am holding is a cuatro that belongs to reknowned Uruguayan guitarist Ney Peraza, who took the photo and rowed us out to these dunes, located across a creek from his house. The dog in the lower right hand corner also belongs to Ney; he swam out behind the rowboat to join us. I did not bring a camera this day, since I had been out filming Yisela in a carnaval parade till 6 am the night before and I simply couldn't deal. Naturally, an absurdly picturesque day ensued, complete with rainbow (see video below). Ney's digital camera, though quite advanced for its time, only had enough memory for a few photos and the short video. So the images of this unforgettable day, along with the music we didn't record, remain captured with decent coverage and sound only in our memories. What you see on this blog is all that is preserved for future generations.

Neptunia, Uruguay, 4 Febrero 1976. Cuando Ñato, Ernesto y yo teníamos una banda en los 70, esta foto iba a ser la tapa de nuestro disco. Lamentablemente, entre la dictadura acá y la escasez global de vinilo, el disco nunca salió. Ahora, 30 años después, Ernesto y yo se nos ve igual, aunque él se cortó el pelo hace unos años; pero el Ñato está irreconocible, habiendo perdido la panza, y ahora cuesta imaginarse que alguna vez tuvo tanto pelo. (Veanse otros videos de actuaciones, próximamente.) El intrumento que tengo yo es un cuatro que pertenece al guitarrista uruguayo reconocido Ney Peraza, quien sacó la foto y nos remó a estas dunas, que quedan a través de un arroyo enfrente a su casa. El perro en la esquina inferior derecha también pertenece al Ney; nadó atrás del bote para prenderse. Yo no traje una cámara este día, ya que había estado filmando a Yisela en un desfile carnavalero hasta las 6 de la mañana la noche anterior, y simplemente no me la bancaba. Naturalmente, un día absurdamente pintoresco resultó, completo con arco iris (vease video abajo). La cámara digital de Ney, si bien adelantada para la época, sólo tenía la memoria suficiente para unas fotos y el video corto. Entonces las imágenes de este día inolvidable, juntas a la música que no grabamos, permanecen captadas con cobertura y sonido decentes únicamente en nuestras memorias. Lo que tú ves en este blog es todo lo que se conserva para las generaciónes futuras.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gracias por retrotraer a mi memoria esos lejanos recuerdos de una época pretérita, cuando la juventud nos convocaba a tardes como ésa, repletas de buenas canciones, hierbas aromáticas y esperanzas de recuperar la democracia. Salud, Raquelita (como te decíamos en esa época) y me comprometo a organizar una fiesta retro para recordar esas canciones y para que nos podamos encontrar todos (ya conseguí una peluca)

7:37 AM  
Blogger Rachel Lears said...

¡qué plato!

12:32 PM  
Blogger Ziomal said...

Very nice! I like it. smartphone ringtone

2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am so interested in what you are doing. I would love to hear more about it. I tried to email you at the address on your profile, but it didn't work.

Would love to hear from you at

Sally Branon

4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it. It's a pleasure to dance lonely around my parents' kitchen and read the Spanish outloud to myself, hearing my voice resonate with your words off the sunny, stucco-looking walls. I feel a little like Ted Berrigan, but thankfully, Missouri is a lot better than Providence these days. I laughed aloud a lot, enjoying your post.

11:53 AM  

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